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Equality Statement

Waseley Hills High School is committed to the promotion of equality of opportunity and places great value on the diversity of its community. The provision of equality of opportunity and respect for the needs and rights of the individual are fundamental to the values of Waseley Hills High School.

Waseley Hills High School fulfils its general and specific duties in relation to equality of opportunity and actively demonstrates due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities, in all strands as identified in the Equality Act 2010.

How we approach this is outlined below:

Equality Objectives

• To improve the attendance of all students to 96% and to keep persistent absence to be below national figures.
• To improve the achievement of SEND students and disadvantaged students and to narrow the achievement gap between SEND students & non-SEND students and disadvantaged & advantaged students.
• To raise expectations amongst staff and students in order that 80% of young people on roll to make at least nationally expected progress each year in all core subjects.
• To ensure that young people who are eligible for pupil premium (in receipt of free school meals in the last 6 years or are a child in care) have adequate support so that they attend school regularly and that the majority make nationally expected progress that is in line with their peers.
• To review and revise the curriculum so that it represents a diverse culture and society and encourages tolerance and respect.
• To ensure that images used around school, for example, in lessons, noticeboards, assemblies represent the diverse culture and society we live in.
• To improve communication with parents and carers who are marginalised by personal circumstances such as lack of transport, language barriers or low confidence by liaising with them regularly and meeting with them regularly and providing support such as interpreters, as necessary.
• To improve attendance to parents evenings, particularly for those students who are eligible for pupil premium funding, have a special need or disability or for whom English is an additional language.
• To ensure that young people who attend Waseley Hills High School have a voice through promotion of the student council and increased opportunities for wider student participation.

Contact Us

School Road
B45 9EL

0121 453 5211