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We are delighted to be able to share with you fully the outcome of the Ofsted inspection which took place in December by Her Majesty's Inspector Stuart Clarkson. The full letter is attached, but below are a summary of the key quotes that show the vast amount of improvement at Waseley:

Ofsted reported that since the last inspection in 2022 in which there were a number of areas for improvement, the school has taken "decisive and well-chosen actions to address these areas. There is an appropriate sense of urgency to the changes you are making. Staff are working well with you to implement these changes, and pupils are responding well too." 

"You and your leaders have worked well to ensure that all subject areas have a clearly planned curriculum that builds on key knowledge and skills." 

"Pupils benefit from consistently applied principles of learning that outline how leaders expect the curriculum to be taught. Subject leaders have introduced targeted methods to support teachers’ checking of pupils’ learning."

"The support for pupils with SEND is effective."

"You have acted with urgent and rapid determination to improve information sharing with staff so that there is clarity about identified needs, strategies to support pupils with SEND and what these pupils should achieve in their learning. You and your leaders know the needs of these pupils and have taken effective action to refine the key SEND information which is accessed by all staff."

"Additional staff, and changes to the pastoral structure, have enabled you to place a critical focus on behaviour. This is making a difference." 

"Across the lessons seen during this inspection and during social times there was no evidence of disruptive behaviour." 

"Pupils were focussed, willing to answer questions, engaged with partners in paired work and work independently."

"You have prioritised a significant amount of work on mental health in school and the wider community."

"Pupils, including students in the sixth form, spoke positively about the leadership opportunities available to them."

"Safeguarding is effective. Expert leaders have clear systems in place to identify pupils at risk of potential harm. A well-developed and systematic approach to dealing with disclosures ensures that leaders take decisive and timely action to support vulnerable pupils."

"Trustees and governors have worked effectively with the local authority and external specialists in support of the whole-school changes that they know are necessary. This includes the growth in school numbers and a planned new build due to begin in January 2024."

We are thrilled to have the wonderful work of our students, staff and parents/carers recognised in such a way that will continue to rebuild the strong reputation of Waseley. I have shared with students in their welcome back assemblies this week how impressed HMI Clarkson was with their conduct and engagement with learning. He reported that it is clear that there is a "respectful culture here" and I would like to thank you as a community for the support and work alongside school to continue to make such improvements.

A section 8 inspection has only two possible outcomes, that leaders are making insufficient progress or that leaders have made progress to improve the school, but more work is necessary for the school to become good. We received the latter as our judgement. We will continue to strive for further improvements and work alongside you to ensure that the education of our young people is of the highest quality.

Click here to view our most recent Ofsted Report - 50237591 (

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